I have tried to follow this story. I am a trans woman living, writing and broadcasting in NJ, where this happened. I’ve said repeatedly I don’t know enough to comment on this specific situation, but I do have unanswered questions.
Was this trans woman on HRT prior to prison, and IF so, had she had access to it since being incarcerated? She should have. HRT is medical care, and we don’t deny medical care to the incarcerated.
Did this woman (and her fellow inmates) have access to condoms? I don’t know. They’re supposed to be available to all prisoners, last I knew. I’d think if they were available they’d have been used, because who wants to make babies behind bars?
As for being forced to undress in front of ANY guards, it’s a bit disturbing if your empathy can’t extend to see that being dehumanizing. For everyone. And if you can’t imagine male guards snickering and mocking her without mercy, you’ve no imagination at all.
Some trans folk never have surgery. Some haven’t had it yet.
Trans women especially have safety issues in prison well beyond that of cis people. So, yes, I do believe trans women should be housed with cis women. And we could do it well if we wanted to.
Again, I do not know enough about the details -and so far it seems NOBODY does, to make informed comment about this specific situation. I do know there are folks whose agenda is to demean and marginalize trans people and call any attempt to provide us with safety or basic accommodation “ridiculous” and “too much to ask for.”
I can say HRT makes pregnancy nearly impossible.
Condoms do help prevent unwanted pregnancy and the spread of STD’s.
And I cynically wonder what a DNA test will show as to paternity. As you mentioned, there are cis male guards there, too.
The actual struggle as I see it? A lot of folks don’t care to make room for the reality and existence of trans people. Because if We did, collectively, if we chose a premise that refused to deny the absolute humanity of trans people, we’d all be asking better and more respectful questions, and we’d be finding better solutions across the board.
This adult trans woman is now being housed in an all-male juvenile facility (in her late 20’s,) and last I read she is housed alone, which we do know has negative effects on mental well being.
A prison system NOT hoping to prove housing humans based on gender identity can’t or won’t work would likely have provided for the possibility of pregnancy beforehand. It would appear this one did no such planning.
Again, there’s more we don’t know than what we do. But prisoners have almost no agency and very little bodily autonomy, so I’m looking to the system itself for answers before I pepper a trans sister with slurs.