Hmmm. Great question.
I can only speak for myself and my relationship. My current partner has always identified as bisexual/pansexual.
When I came out to him as trans, I said, “we’re about to find out just how bisexual you really are.”
Even as my body changes, we turn each other on and have for ten years and counting. Our sex life has deepened and evolved with us.
Looking to my second marriage, had it otherwise survived, I think the best I could have hoped for was continued friendship and zero sex. That wouldn’t have worked for either one of us.
There are plenty of sexless marriages in this world that otherwise thrive, and all kinds of adult agreements that work for the people involved.
My current relationship is the best of my life because we are both fully present, and both fully authentic. I am enormously grateful every single day for the man at my side.
It took a lot of broken relationships -and a whole lot of heartache- to get to here. And there are close blood relatives who don’t speak to me at all. I’m here if they ever decide I still have value for them, but my intrinsic value isn’t up for debate. Not anymore.
If I must choose between an ongoing agreement to present as male for the comfort of others, or to authentically walk this world as me -I must choose me. We all deserve to fully experience peace and joy wherever, whenever and however possible, and when we are true to ourselves first and always, we Glow and we Shine.
Peace to you. 💜✨